Server 2012 R2 End of Life

Daniel Bohan
Sales Manager

September 26, 2023

End of Life (EOL) Alert for Windows Server 2012 R2

All good things must come to an end and that end has come for Windows Server 2012 R2. Microsoft have announced the end of life (EOL) for Windows Server 2012 R2 is scheduled for October 10, 2023. After this date, Microsoft will no longer provide updates, security patches, or support for Windows Server 2012 R2, leaving any unsupported servers vulnerable to security risks and stability issues.

What are the Risks?

There is acute danger in continuing to run any server on an End of Life Operating System. Some of the associated risk in using an unsupported server include:

  • Security Vulnerabilities: Unsupported servers become prime targets for cyberattacks and may expose your organization to data breaches and other security threats.
  • Compliance Concerns: Running an unsupported server can result in compliance violations, impacting your ability to meet industry regulations and standards.
  • Decreased Performance: Without updates, your server’s performance and reliability may deteriorate over time, leading to downtime and productivity losses.

What Now?

To ensure the continued security and reliability of Server 2012 R2 infrastructure, we recommend one of the following two options:

  • Upgrade to a Supported Version of Windows Server

Existing Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machines can be migrated to Microsoft Azure in their current state. Once in Azure, these virtual machines will actually receive extended updates automatically, ensuring ongoing security and compliance. This option will require new server licensing, as well as some project work for the upgrade. It may also be time to replace your physical server – if it’s old enough to be running Server 2012 R2, it’s likely past it’s ‘use by’ date.

  • Migrate to Microsoft Azure:

Existing Windows Server 2012 R2 virtual machines can be migrated to Microsoft Azure in their current state. Once in Azure, these virtual machines will actually receive extended updates automatically, ensuring ongoing security and compliance. This option will require an agreement for Azure services, as well as project work for the migration.

Other Options

If for some reason, upgrading or migrating your 2012 R2 server is just not feasible in the immediate term, we can help you look at any other available options that might help mitigate the risk until the server can be properly upgraded or migrated.

Support for 2012 R2 Servers

Layer3 will provide management for servers or virtual machines that are no longer supported by the Operating Systems developer, but certain limitations will apply.

  • Layer3 will manage and support these servers to the extent reasonably possible.
  • These server(s) will not receive patches/updates.
  • Layer3 is not responsible for any security events or breaches on unsupported servers and any support related to a security breach will be outside of standard SLAs and additional charges will apply for the time required for remediation.
  • SLA targets for response will still apply, but SLA targets for resolution will not apply.
  • Support related to the operating systems version will be outside of standard terms and additional charges will apply for the time required for remediation

Do you have any Server 2012 R2 machines still in use? If so, Layer3 is available to guide you through your options and assist with any project work required for an Azure migration or implementing any an upgrade.

To discuss your specific needs and develop a customized plan, please email [email protected] at your earliest convenience.

End of Life Update for Microsoft Server

VersionEnd of Support
Windows Server 2022Oct 14, 2031
Windows Server 2019Jan. 9, 2029
Windows Server 2016Jan. 12, 2027
Windows Server 2012 R2Oct 10, 2023
Windows Server 2012Oct 10, 2023
Windows Server 2008 R2Jan 14, 2020
Windows Server 2008Jan 14, 2020

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